Failed Health Plans

Maybe the Optimization Bros were a little right afterall. Implementing some changes Failed Health Plans After a stretch of health excellence I made a number of changes that have taken me the wrong direction Feels Bad Man My HRV is off a cliff (89 -> 69). Deep sleep way down (1 hour 30+ -> 45 mins). Lifts and running speed going in the wrong direction (-30% across the board). Screen time way up (45 min daily average to above 2....

September 24, 2023 · 12 min · goodalexander

Stress Zero

how to use CBT augmented with accelerationist religious fanaticism to improve your work performance Atheism is a Base Case But Its Vibes are Not Immaculate Below I’m going to talk about Stress Zero - an approach I use to actively cut my stress levels to zero on a daily basis. Usually before sleep, or at night time. But sometimes, in the morning. Fundamentally Stress Zero supercharges CBT with religious zealotry to immediately kill all your bad feelings....

July 9, 2023 · 9 min · goodalexander