Levelsio, Amazon Sellers, and the New 4 Hour Workweek

AI as a sociocultural movement that enables solo entrepreneurs and bootstrappers

August 29, 2024 · 10 min · goodalexander

The Post Fiat Hypothesis

Hobbes. Rawls. Or a Secret Third Thing

August 25, 2024 · 9 min · goodalexander

The Story of Taran

A short story about Kona Blue and other esoteric topics

May 15, 2024 · 14 min · goodalexander

Nineteen Ninety Three

The end of nostalgia

April 17, 2024 · 5 min · goodalexander

Agentic Protocols

Crypto With Cash Flow. Fleeing The ARKK

April 6, 2024 · 23 min · goodalexander

The Big Whoosh

brain drain innate to how small the real AI workforce is

March 20, 2024 · 12 min · goodalexander

Deep Dive on Bittensor (TAO)

First Coin Deep Dive: Bittensor/ Tao

January 7, 2024 · 63 min · IridiumEagle

The Blackprint - A Manifesto for the New World Order

how to survive and thrive in the post nation-state AI driven reality

December 28, 2023 · 23 min · goodalexander

Heuristics for Rigged Markets

going to talk a bit about some things I’ve learned about rigged markets, signal extraction and how to fit market manipulation into your overall mosaic Rule 1: understanding you’re a gremlin not a genius. if you’re reading this chances are you’re not as smart as quants so don’t try to be. I practice a very special variety of quantitative trading, called “find someone rigging a market and front-run them”. Leave other quant strategies (like stat arb, or complex machine learning alphas) to PHDs....

December 27, 2023 · 6 min · goodalexander

14 Reasons I'm Bullish Crypto

longer form thoughts on crypto. Lots of bearishness. I remain bullish. Why: If Trump is elected, all bets are off - SEC runs on a skeleton staff, Gensler is fired, he intervenes in the Fed to cut rates. Odds are at least 50% Trump wins. Any concern about Trump’s stance towards crypto should be dismissed by his NFT sales and appreciation galas for NFT holders (haha). Concerns about Biden admin and crypto have been de-risked....

December 19, 2023 · 4 min · goodalexander